Information Center

Information Center


As this insane year comes to a close, we want to thank you, our community of crypto builders, early adopters, degens, pioneers, and believers for your contributions to crypto.

You are the rebels that are advancing blockchain technology day in, day out.

Happy New Year 🥂


2022 has been a crazy year for the crypto market. 

The industry has been hit with macroeconomic challenges, scandals, enforcement actions, and a few notable collapses. 

At the same time, bitcoin surpassed 1 billion addresses, huge brands joined the metaverse, Ethereum transitioned to Proof-of-Stake, and significant progress was made in categories like onchain identity and scalability.

For Savvix, 2022 has been a strong year despite numerous headwinds: 

• Launched several new products for builders and early adopters including SavvixPay Crypto Payment Gateway, crypto-linked cards, NFT products and Web3.0 solution services. 

• Expansion of ecosystem with new partnership in Web 3.0.

• We helped best builders in crypto connect with communities of early adopters through community sales.

• Added over 2500 users.

• Enabled users to earn more in staking rewards and token earning rewards. 

• Grew the Savvix community by 153%.

•Improved first-response time (support) from 3 days to average 1 day.