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Information Center


What can you do on Savvix?

1. Swap with the best price and ZERO slippage possible on the market

2. Instant P2P Buy / Sell crypto with fiat with low transaction fees from 2.5% (Buy) ~ 3.5% (Sell) and subject to the fiat currency supported by Savvix Payment Processor.

3. Withdrawal fee for of 0.5% applicable for user's withdrwal from token wallet.

4. Swap fees of 0.2% and ZERO slippage fee when user perform any token swap available on Savvix token swap feature.

5. Crypto payment gateway service for Business users with low transaction fees of 1% flat applicable for Business user

What kind of users can Swap on Savvix?

Any user with a wallet can do Swap transactions on Savvix. Savvix is the window to make swap transactions and automatically finds the best swap price and ZERO slippage possible on the market for you. If you want to swap across a specific token, Savvix also offers you the option to choose the token you preferred.

Fees on Savvix

Savvix provides a transparent pricing mechanism without charging any additional protocol transaction fees users and partners. 

Fees will be generated from:

1. User and affiliate partner that run investment strategies through our Affiliate marketing program.

2. User who perform token swap within Savvix platform.

3. Crypto payment gateway (on-ramp and off-ramp payment) An API is also available for traders and institutions as well.